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Frequently asked questions


What to expect during my first reiki session.

During an in-person reiki session, I will place my hands a few inches away from the client’s body. I will connect to the energy of you to help clear blocks, and infuse the body with the energies of love and light. During a distant session, I will send these energies through time and space. You may feel some warmth or coolness, tingling, or simply being relaxed. Some people may see some colors or visuals. Regardless of whether you notice sensations or not, trust that reiki is flowing for your highest good.

How should I prepare for my first reiki session

  1. Drink some water. It’s a good idea to avoid alcohol or recreational drugs as they alter your consciousness.

  2. If you’re receiving a distant session, find a comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.

  3. Set an intention for your session. What do you want to heal? What are you ready to release? What are you ready to manifest? This doesn’t have to be an elaborate process. Simply sit in thought or write down the first few things that come to mind.

  4. Trust that you will receive exactly what you need in that moment.

How can i continue the healing after my session?

You can journal about your session and make notes of how you felt. Did you receive any messages? What is ready to heal on a deeper level? Notice any changes in perception. Do you see any person or situation differently than prior? What is the quality of your thoughts like? Notice any changes in your physical body.  
Continue drinking water to flush out any toxins that may have been dislodged from your system. Lastly, feel free to reach out with questions that come up. I'm here to support you on your journey. Lastly, be gentle with yourself, your journey is your own and you can not compare your experience to anyone else.

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